Saturday, November 30, 2019

Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Essays - Dress Codes

Proper Etiquette in the Business setting Proper Etiquette America is an image driven country. Management is aware of how they and their employees represent that image on behalf of the company. An employee's value to will be largely determined by how successful they are at projecting that image. Business etiquette is concerned with correct behavior and practices according to social convention. In the social realm, there are certain amount of etiquette that needs to be followed when dealing with business partners, co-workers and vendors. This is something that is a must any successful business. Because the office phone is one of the most commonly used pieces o office equipment and the main source of communication between an organization and its customers, it is imperative that you use proper business etiquette. A few tips when answering the office phone; always answer in three rings or less, answer with your name and the name of the company, make business call during regular office hours, and return calls in 24 hours or less. In addition, when using cell phones and pagers, always put them on vibrate so that it will not disturb others in your work area. Emails have become the main source of communication for most organizations today. Know that how you use your e-mail, company e-mail address and employers technology is a serious issue! Sending non-business related e-mails, jokes, forwards or chain letters on company time to friends or coworkers reflects on your lack of professionalism. Be careful who you cc (carbon copy) do not broadcast your every thought to all persons in your organization. When forging new business relationships and solidifying established partnerships, the level of professionalism and courtesy you relay in your business e-mail communications will always gain clients over the competition. Many companies have gone with the idea of shared workspaces. In most situations, it is because of economical reasons. Showing consideration to colleagues in an open plan office will only work if you all adopt a mutual respect for each other. Keep your desk tidy. This is especially important if you are sharing an open plan desk and show courtesy when using any shared spaces. Be careful when having conversations. Dont speak too loudly in shared workspaces. Remembering that not everybody will share exactly the same values as you, adopt a policy of treating people how youd like to be treated yourself. This is an essential benchmark to ensure a harmonious workspace. At first thought, when you hear the term business attire it seems fairly simple. The thoughts of business attire are far from simple. Business attire can be broken down into three very different categories: business formal, business professional, and business casual. Business formal attire is more than your everyday work attire. This category is used for dressy evening events such as awards ceremonies and formal dinners. Men should wear a dark suit with a French cut shirt and silk tie or bowtie. Cufflinks and silk pocket squares that coordinate with the tie are optional accessories. The shoes should be black and also coordinate with the overall appearance of the outfit. Women should wear a conservative dress or suit with a skirt. Women must take care in choosing a dress or suit that conservatively fits his/her body and style. Business professional is considered attire that sets you aside as a professional. For men and women this means a well coordinated suit and accessories. Suits should be a solid or pinstripe dark color complimented with a solid or striped white shirt. Ties are to be silk with a solid color or simple design. All suits should be accompanied by a belt; with a simple buckle; or suspenders. Women should have a simple skirted suit. These suits should be solid, neutral, and low key in color. No matter whether a dress or skirted suits, it should reach at or just below the knee. The accompanying blouse should be simple cotton or silk. The color of the blouse should be a solid color that coordinates with the suit. Makeup and perfume should be very light and subtle. Lastly shoes should be plain, solid and dark in color. Business Casual attire simply means you do not have to wear a suit to work. For

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Business Management Plan

Business Management Plan General description of the business The business will be structured as a limited liability company. The international hotel business has a lot of potential as more people are moving across borders for leisure, business or tourism purposes. United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) has been categorized as 18th among tourism competitive businesses by the World Economic Forum (WEF).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Management Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The UAE is well known for its great shopping facilities, hotels and other tourist destinations. All the year round, tourists and business people flock the UAE to catch a glimpse of the splendid world out there and spend some money too. The hospitality industry in the UAE is experiencing a boom in business as new and returning customers are flocking the local hotels causing an influx of patrons. Travelers, such as tourists are in pursuit of comfort, which th ey are willing and able to part with a fortune, while businessmen are in search of convenience and the business opportunities the region offers. Considering the hospitality industry in the UAE, there is still a lot of potential although the market is quit dominated by established brand names. However, for new entrants into the market there is still a lot of potential. We intend to establish a startup company in Dubai, by the name C-Zones Bar Breakfast. The BB is a charming facility that would be located in a remarkable region recognized as a trendy tourist and traveler target, it is well appropriate for this use. In addition, the locality is recognized for its magnificence and focus of such facilities. Tenancy, income and room rate analysis are confirmed by broad research carried out over a four year period. The analysis consists of certified data and information obtained through countrywide commerce associations and the personal market analysis. Expenditure management procedures h ave also been acknowledged through industry connections. From these connections, the facility will be able to gain from reserves which were not available to a smalltime purchaser. An growth map is also in position that will let the Bed Breakfast to expand its client blend and enhance revenues. The premise has an amazing common lounge where the patrons may hang out, a private garden courtyard, and the adventurer Culinary Centre.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The market Within the hospitality industry, C-Zones will be competing directly with other Bed Breakfast facilities and indirectly with hotels. C-Zones will be targeting three main categories of clientele: the holiday travelers. This category of visitors to the UAE is increasing at 12 percent a year with 14,000 prospective clients. The second category is the business travelers, which is growing at 10 percent with a lot of potential. The last category is the locals. Competitive edge C-Zones has two main cutthroat edges that distinguishes it from the opponents. The first is to provide a first class facility with attention to detail and client service. The employees realize that their mission is to make sure that the clients have the best stay with them and are happy. Their second competitive edge is the uniqueness of the premises whereby, the premises has a wonderful structure that is located in a unique place. Mission The task of C-Zones Bed and Breakfast is to offer an amazing bed and breakfast experience within UAE. We intend to attract and retain customers and get a market niche. Our facility is expected to go beyond the expectations of our clients by providing a contemporary, world class experience, through never-ending commitment to the advancement of our affiliates and products to attain optimum growth and profitability. Company Summary C-Zones is an amazing inn located at Dubai. We are a startup company that will provide several furnished rooms to our clients who are looking for the finest service. All the rooms are individually furnished with antiques and overlooking the town’s splendid scenery. We will offer a full breakfast every morning to our customers at our competitive prices. Ownership The C-Zones Bed Breakfast is owned and managed solely by Jamaal and Aziz. They have renovated an old house that can accommodate 105 visitors at a time. This is a new start-up company for the partners who are equal owners in the business in terms of capital contribution and share of liability. Jamaal and Aziz bought the premises a little over a year ago and have renovated the place to become a wonderful facility. Strategies and objectives The goals of  C-Zones B B for the first  three years of existence are: To create a Bed Breakfast whose main objective is to go beyond the client’s expectations together with the guideline of unprecedented hospitality and service standards. The  C-Zones B B  will attract more visitors on a weekly basis at any time of the year. To raise the number of customers by 10 percent every year through deluxe service to 90 percent occupancy in the third year. To create an ongoing concern, which carry’s on off its individual cash flow Create a customer satisfaction rate of over 90 percent. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Business Management Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strategies According to (Wheelen and Hunger 30-66) strategy for business falls under a hierarchy of three levels, a company’s most important strategy that determines the overall direction of the organization which are called corporate strategy and can be fulfilled by formulating and implementing business/divisional strategies which occur at the product level and go ahead to give businesses an advantage over others as far as t heir product offering is concerned. Furthermore (Wheelen and Hunger 82) suggest that for business strategies to be successful functional/operational strategies which aim to maximize productivity within various functional areas must be formulated and implemented. Therefore strategies are divided into 3 classes. The top most level of strategy includes corporate strategies which are the overall set of strategies that define the overall direction which a business is to follow. Corporate strategies may consist of growth, stability, or retrenchment strategies. Startup businesses in this case, the hotel, employ a strategy which is known as a stability strategy in its first years of operations, this is because in most cases entrepreneurs who operate start up businesses understand that during the initial year of their businesses they expect to make no profits because of the huge costs that are involved in setting up the businesses. This is therefore why startup businesses employ a stability strategy that intends to take a pause and rest because of the usually large investments that investors might have put in the business. If managers of these businesses do not do so, they may exhaust all resources and end up with no further resources to operate their businesses forcing closure. As time goes on, the hotel can then adopt a pause and precede strategy that is dependent upon the actual situation on the ground. After a period of say 2 years, the hotel may then decide to adapt a growth strategy or settle upon serving a smaller market depending on the situation on the market then. Hotel’s business strategy is a cost leadership model that intends to sell its products at a low price. In order to achieve these corporate strategies, the hotel will be required to put strong policies, programs, budgets and procedures that will go to ensuring production schedules and sales targets are met in time without and delays. Functional strategies intend to foster quality, cost saving, and differentiation.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tactics that will be used to achieve strategic goals Keeping the Customers is quite important once the hotel acquires a customer, it will be best if it attempts to maintain a relationship between itself and its consumers in order to retain its customers. The company will need a loyal customer base, and the loyal customers are the most important factor of their company. The company has to device some important promotional strategies so that the customers always come back to their concern. These strategies include providing a superior customized service for its products at the cheapest possible prices that is consistent with the specific consumer needs (Case 220-238). Trying to acquire new customer will mean that the hotel will device means to allure new customers and try to retain them as far as possible. These will increase the boundaries of the company in a new level. Furthermore, the hotel will encourage existing consumers by using various techniques to bring in new customers and therefore the importance of maximizing the consumer experience is critical so that consumers will always have something good to say. When consumers use Word of mouth and lure other consumers it is cheaper than using other means of acquiring consumers. Safety is a key concern for consumers and therefore in recent times security has been a very important concern for the individuals who use hotels (Kotler ‘Principles of Marketing’ 20-50). The company therefore, will take strong security policies that will ensure the safety of consumers and their property Trying to acquire new properties by expansion and is a long-term corporate strategy that involves either acquiring and opening up new branches with the aim of serving a larger market in order to increase revenue. It is therefore necessary if the hotel wants to expand to acquire new properties. Keeping an eye on the competitors is a very important tactic that leads to technical excellence especially since every day new orga nizations are entering into the hospitality market with a very huge financial backing. It is therefore necessary to use competitive intelligence to gather useful data that will be used by the hotel to achieve a competitive advantage (Case 210). Promotion is a critical part to a brands success and therefore entrepreneurs and companies should appropriately apply various parts of the promotion mix in order to increase the chances of the product selling in the market. Promotional activities aim to educate, inform, remind, persuade and encourage repeated purchase about products and brands at the end of the day. A good promotional mix should always target the consumers and sellers. Consumer promotional activities encourage consumers to buy more of the product. And therefore consequently the hotel will use advertisements, brochures and direct selling to achieve its objectives and stimulate sales and revenue growth. Liabilities and risks The hospitality industry is faced by many risks. For C-Zones just like any other player, the market is still an open place. Management Team The C-Zones Bed Breakfast can only attain its missions and objectives through the management. Jamaal is an experienced entrepreneur with work on invaluable business experience.  While Aziz has earned his MBA giving him amazing insight and experience directly related to what he is doing now. The  C-Zones Bed Breakfast  will be able to leverage  its wonderful facility and turn it into a beautiful, deluxe Bed Breakfast catering the entire city.   This will be done  through the commitment and business skills of the two partners.   It is expected that the Bed Breakfast will be doing so by the third month in operation and will make reasonable returns by the end of year one. Organization Structure Organizational structures trys to explain the relationships between authorities and communication lines in the organizations hotels (Kotler ‘Principles of Marketing’ 20-50). Organ izational structures within companies cause or allow views to be brought forward, or presented as a model to be studied on how those businesses are managed and run. If an organization has a clear framework/structure put in place, it is made very clear within the departments in the organization on who does what and so forth thus leaving no room for sloppy work and blame games erupting due to unfulfilled objectives. Different organizations employ different organizational structures depending on their objectives and what they intend to achieve after a set period of time. These structures may either be flat or tall for example the Hotel’s organizational structure takes a flat format. The organization structure of the hotel is a flat structure that will assign the duties of management between all the partners. It is vital that entrepreneurs closely monitor start-up businesses during their initial years of operation by dedicating a lot of time to oversee their smooth running. There fore all the employees and supervisors will be directly answerable to the partner who is sitting as the managing director. It will therefore be the responsibility of the partners to perform all relevant managerial duties and consult with other partners to make well guided decisions. Personnel plan The final personnel mix will consist of both permanent and part-time employees thus enabling the company save costs. If work and demand for lodging facilities increase according to demand and supply patterns depending on the situation, the company may the make a decision to lay off or employ more part-time workers. The existence of permanent employment contracts goes ahead to instill loyalty amongst employees which can be used to the benefit of for the hotel. Services The C-Zones facility offers three-star lodging on the amazing Dubai coast. We are an all inclusive B B facility with a full complimentary breakfast served every morning. â€Å"Impeccable rooms, each with its own theme are r eady to embrace the individual who is looking for solitude, or the more adventurist person who likes to be active.† We organise trips around the city for those who are interested. Market Analysis Summary The C-Zones B B  has  various target groups that it is intending to draw.   The first are the local residents who just want to have a weekend getaway.   Kotler, (141) notes â€Å"they may have activities planned for the weekend on the coast  or just chose to relax in a homely environment. The second category is the travellers and vacationers who choose to stay in Bed Breakfasts instead of a hotel, or onboard their boats.†Ã‚   While others just want to experience  a themed weekend.  However, our target customer could include others outside these categories though these are our target groups. Market Segmentation Our clients can be generally grouped into three categories: Weekend getaway customers.   These local residents looking to get away from their l ife so they come to  the C-Zones B B  to escape. Travelers/vacationers. Experience Executive B B Service.   These people are mostly delighted returning customers who will be looking to experience our deluxe services. Market Analysis Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Potential Customers Growth Travelers/Vacationers 9% 964,982 1,051,830 1,146,495 Weekend-Getaway Customers 9% 241,245 262,957 286,623 Come to see museum and tour 8% 1,200 1,296 1,400 Want Executive Chef Experience 5% 24,124 25,330 26,597 Total 8.92% 1,231,551 1,341,413 1,461,115 Market analysis Segmentation and market analysis Segmentation is a process by which an organization partitions a market in order to make products that are specifically meant to cater for the needs that are specifically meant for that portion of the market hotels (Kotler ‘Principles of Marketing 82). Companies may either choose to serve the whole market and therefore have a mass market orientation or else decide to serve a given portion of the entire market. It is therefore appropriate to state that the hotel will serve the lower end of the market which consists of individuals who desire to spend less in accommodation and therefore save funds. The hotel will consequently design bed and feeding packages that will match the needs and resource capabilities of clientele who fall within this specific segment. Competition It is highly important that every business operates with a certain degree of competitive advantage. It is also vital that the hotel comes up with an overall competitive strategy that the hotel will pursue in order to compete with other industry participants. According to Michael porters, there are generic competitive strategies that participants within an industry are allowed to pursue. These strategies either concentrate on a narrow or a wider perspective of the total market and at the same time either adopts a low cost strategy or a high differentiation approach (porter 64). The choice of competitive strategies has an impact on the price strategy followed by an organization. Companies who don’t adopt a differentiation approach may at the end of the day adopt a mass market strategy end up pursuing a market penetration strategy which is basically a pricing strategy that aims to sell affordable low priced products to the market. When Companies follow a differentiation strategy they are most likely to adopt a skimming/milking price strategy which involves charging high rates for a product in order to recover extensive funds that may have been involved in the process of product research and development stage of product design. Marketing Research will be gathered continuously and the subsequently obtained Information that will be used in the process decision making and policy selection will be attained from industry research publications and other sources of data. Marketing research firms can be contracted from time to time depending on the actual situatio n to achieve more specific information nevertheless the company can also use its resources to serve the same purpose (Kotler ‘Principles of Marketing’ 222). Diagram 2: A diagram of generic competitive strategies that can be pursued by businesses. Adopted from Wheelen and Hunger strategic management (2002) and business policy printed with permission of Free Press from the Competitive Advantages of Nations by Michael E Porter 1990. The ability to operate on cost leadership is advantageous because it means the hotel will use less capital that is usually high in the case of differentiation, the company will in turn go ahead and offer its products and services at a low price and therefore attract a lot of customers ( Porter 12-23) To further understand forces driving competition within the industry Porter’s model can be used to look at the five forces which shape any industry. These five forces that will determine how well a company can operate in a given environment and be able to satisfy its customers and realize a profit by affecting either the floor or ceiling price for goods and services. The forces in porter’s model include Threat of new entrants Barriers are placed by existing companies and regulatory authorities to prevent new entrants from causing abnormal profit flows for existing companies, some of the threats include government policies, exploiting cost advantages, access to distribution, capital requirements. In this case the hotel industry is known to be very capital-intensive since acquisition property to build hotels is quite expensive. Making this venture of the hotel industry an excellent one is vital since the higher the capital structure of an industry is, the more harder is it for new entrants therefore, companies venturing into this industry can experience some sense of security Intensity of competitive rivalry among existing firms firms within the same industry always compete for the available market this can be th rough powerful competitive strategies, innovation, structure of industry costs, switching costs, degree of product differentiation and so on and therefore the hotel intends to place itself strategically to compete with rivals (Case 11). Threat of substitute products or services-consumers can opt to go for substitute products if quality is better, price is relatively better, or the cost of switching is favorable. The hotel also expects to set strategies that will also compete with any substitute services and products at the same time using its low cost strategy to achieve competitive advantage. The bargaining power of customers-the bargaining power of buyers depends on the number of buyers within the industry who purchase from the available suppliers. The hotel will develop suitable strategies and products that will enable it satisfy consumers while at the same time spend less therefore leaving them feeling as if they have a high bargaining power. The bargaining power of suppliers-Su ppliers who provide raw material can determine the profitability and viability of an industry by setting prices of implements which in turn affect the profit margins (Case 190). Therefore the hotel will devise strategies which will involve multiple sourcing strategies to reduce the barging power of suppliers that may be disadvantageous to the hotel by imposing extravagant expenses. Swot analysis External environment Strategic planning be it short or long term, is done in the light of company’s strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A company’s strengths and weaknesses take a critical look into internal factors such as company resources, culture and structure while on the other hand opportunities and threats take a look at a company’s external environment (Wheelen and Hunger 2002). In business management, external analysis is one of the most important factors of the existence of the company this is because only in the light of what the external environm ent is all about that a company can successfully formulate and pursue strategy. The basic external analysis is an attempt to match an organization with the outside impacts in which the business is situated and how this influences overall strategy. To understand the external analysis on the Hotel International, we have to concentrate on one property of the hotel. Opportunities-The availability of massive tourists and individuals flying into the U.A.E to conduct business is a perfect opportunity that the hotel is expected to pursue and make a profit out of it. Furthermore the economic integration of U.A.E and other countries within Asia is good advantages that can be exploited in the long run to increase and expand the level of business enabling the hotel even go multinational depending on the business environment (Porter 88-120). Threats The increasing level of competition within the Dubai hotel market presents a threat for the hotel. Much bigger and better hotels that have more reso urces may have the ability to imitate and even steal potential clientele. Furthermore, increasing government regulations on the hotel industry is more likely to limit the level of business operations simply because the law has made it clear that there are many compliance rules that the hotel must put in place before operations begin and these compliance regulations may have a quite costly impact on business of the hotel. Internal Environment The internal analysis of a company basically focuses on the strength and weaknesses of the organization itself, and how they impact the total business scenario of the concern and company strategies (Wheelen and Hunger 2002). In this aspect one thing is very important, what can be determined as strength can change into the weakness in another aspect. There are factors like finance, marketing, and the service providing capabilities, the macroeconomic factors, the technological changes and most importantly the different legal matters that come with the maintenance of the properties. Strengths A key strength of the hotel is expected to come from the highly experienced partners who all have had a background in doing business or either the corporate world. The partners are expected to import their wide variety of knowledge and apply it into the hotel to make the hotel business become successful. Furthermore the use of a flat organizational structure means that the managing partner together with other partners will be able to keep a close and keen eye on the business and therefore be part of day to day decision making. This will enable more valid and practical decisions to be made to the advantage of the business (Wheelen Hunger 44). Lastly since the hotel is new it will be much easier and simple for the leadership to mold the most suitable corporate culture into the mindset of their employees. Companies with a good culture are more likely to be effective and highly efficient in the process of service delivery and therefore cons umers of the service may end up being very pleased and highly satisfied (Case 180-188). Weaknesses Constraint financial resource may limit the level of growth that the hotel may intend to achieve during its operations. This is simply because every partner has made it clear that they are willing to operate on a given budget and they are no longer willing to increase the overall capital structure. They instead intend to wait for returns and plough them back into the business. It is this situation that may hinder the hotel from competitively competing with other hotels who are key players within the same segment of the industry. Additionally, lack of previous direct experience by the business partners in the hotel industry may prove as a challenge to the hotel and may at some point present itself as a weakness. Financial analysis Assumptions The business will operate smoothly for the first 3 years. Only 40% of all costs are fixed costs while the rest are variable costs. The business will realize growth in revenues is subsequent years. Table 1: List of total expenses (2010-2013) 2011 $ 2012 $ 2013 $ Rent and lease of property $60,000 $50,000 $50,000 Plant and machinery $60,000 $30,000 $50,000 Advertisements 5,000 4,500 5,000 Promotions and discounts 20,000 8,500 17,500, Training costs 10,000 7,500 7,500 Salaries 20,000 5,500 6,500 Tax 5,000 2,500 3,000 Literature, catalogs and websites 5,000 4,000 5,000 Sponsorship agreements 5,000 5,000 2,000 Administrative costs 10,000 9,500 4,000 Total Sales and Marketing Expenses 200,000 130,000 150,500 Sales Forecast Table 2: Sales Forecast for years (2010-2013) Year 2011 2012 2013 Sales $300,000 $400,200 $500,880 Expense Forecast Expenses will be incurred on labor costs, equipment and departmental costs, as well as advertising and promotional activities. Labor costs for the company are not expected to rise drastically since employees may be re-assigned to operate in the new department. New personnel may be sourced for if need arises. Labor, advertizing and promotional expenditures are estimated to be around 20 percent of the proceeds from the department. Breakeven Table 3: Contribution Margin Forecast (2010-2013) Year 2011 2012 2013 Total Revenue $300,000 $400,200 $500,880 Total Expenses $200,000 $130,050 $150,500 By assuming that 40% of all costs are fixed costs and the rest are variable costs then the breakeven point in dollars using the formula break even=fixed costs/total variable cost/total sales revenue will be Year 1 =$ 133,333 Year2 =$64,621 Year3=$73,415 Pro forma Profit and Loss Statement XYZ Hotel YEAR 1 Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL SALES $300,000 Total sales $ 400,200 Total sales $500,880 Total expenses $80,000 Total expenses $50,050 Total expenses $50,050 Net profit Net profit Net profit $100,000 $270,150 $350,750 NB: When adding up the total expenses it is advisable to subtract any capital expenditures that may have been used to acqui re assets which will be used to realize future benefits for XYZ hotel. Therefore prepaid rent is an asset and so are plant equipment and machinery therefore they will not be included as expenses. Until the end of the financial period falling under year one pre-paid rent will be then entered into financial records as an expense once it has been fully consumed. Pro forma Balance sheet for XYZ Hotel Assets Cash 130,000 Prepaid Rent 60,000 Plant and equipment 60,000 TOTAL Assets 250,000 Liabilities Equity Capital (500 shares @ $50) 250,000 Total Liabilities 250,000 Implementation Milestones The brand management department will constantly evaluate its performance levels, which will be measured in comparison to the anticipated contribution margins in the three years of operations. Implementation will start by setting simple short term goals which by using special tactics which will be incrementally applied in order to achieve, long term objectives of department and the company as a whole. Follow up will be done on a periodical basis so as to make sure that initiatives are complete and targets realized. The plans made should be specific, so that performance can be measurable and realistic enough so that they can be achievable. Once a concrete plan is set upon, milestones will be agreed upon to aid in the implementation process. Therefore key performance indicators such as month to month customer traffic, sales levels and inventory levels, consumer satisfaction reports can be used in the process of changing and altering strategy. Conclusion Businessmen and entrepreneurs can no longer ignore the importance of business planning and strategic planning because they are a key pillar of success for both startup and mature business organizations. It is therefore important to develop plans and ensure that implementation is done within time, furthermore it is important to continuously evaluate progress of business plans and also make strategic adjustments when necessary in ord er to achieve overall organizational objectives. Case, James. Competition: The Birth of a New Science (180-236). New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008. Print. Kotler, Philip. Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 concepts every manager needs to know, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons Inc, 2003. Kotler, Philip. Principles of marketing, (2nd edn), New York: Prentice Hall, 1999. Porter Michael. The Competitive advantage of nations, illustrated edn, Northampton, MA: Free Press, 1990.Print. Wheelen, Thomas. Hunger, David. Strategic management and business policy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002.

Friday, November 22, 2019

History of the Former Country of Yugoslavia

History of the Former Country of Yugoslavia With the fall of the Austria-Hungary empire at the end of World War I, the victors threw together a new country which was composed of more than twenty ethnic groups Yugoslavia. Just over seventy years later that piecemeal nation disintegrated and war broke out between seven new states. This overview should help clear up some confusion about whats in place of the former Yugoslavia now. Marshal Tito was able to keep Yugoslavia unified from the formation of the country from 1945 until his death in 1980. At the end of World War II, Tito ousted the Soviet Union and was then excommunicated by Josef Stalin. Due to Soviet blockades and sanctions, Yugoslavia began developing trade and diplomatic relationships with western European governments, even though it was a communist country. After the death of Stalin, relations between the USSR and Yugoslavia improved. Following Titos death in 1980, factions in Yugoslavia became agitated and demanded more autonomy. It was the fall of the USSR in 1991 that finally broke up the jigsaw puzzle of a state. About 250,000 were killed by wars and ethnic cleansing in the new countries of the former Yugoslavia.​ Serbia Austria blamed Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914 which led to the Austrian invasion of Serbia and World War I. Although a rogue state called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that was exiled from the United Nations in 1992, Serbia and Montenegro regained recognition on the world stage in 2001 after the arrest of Slobodan Milosevic. In 2003 the country was restructured into a loose federation of two republics called Serbia and Montenegro. Montenegro Following a referendum, in June 2006, Montenegro and Serbia split into two separate independent countries. The creation of Montenegro as an independent country resulted in Serbia losing their access to the Adriatic Sea. Kosovo The former Serbian province of Kosovo lies just south of Serbia. Past confrontations between ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and ethnic Serbs from Serbia drew world attention to the province, which is 80% Albanian. After many years of struggle, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in February 2008. Unlike Montenegro, not all the countries of the world have accepted the independence of Kosovo, most notably Serbia and Russia. Slovenia Slovenia, the most homogenous and prosperous region of the Former Yugoslavia, was the first to secede. They have their own language, are mostly Roman Catholic, have compulsory education, and a capital city (Ljubljana) which is a primate city. With a current population of approximately two million, Slovenia avoided violence due to their homogeneity. Slovenia joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004. Macedonia Macedonias claim to fame is their rocky relationship with Greece due to the use of the name Macedonia. While Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations, it was admitted under the name of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia because Greece is strongly against the use of the ancient Greek region for any external territory. Of the two million people, about two-thirds are Macedonian and about 27% is Albanian. The capital is Skopje and key products include wheat, corn, tobacco, steel, and iron. Croatia In January 1998, Croatia finally assumed control of their entire territory, some of which had been under the control of Serbs. This also marked the end of a two-year United Nations peacekeeping mission there. Croatias declaration of independence in 1991 caused Serbia to declare war. Croatia is a boomerang-shaped country of four and a half million which has an extensive coastline on the Adriatic Sea, and it almost keeps Bosnia from having any coast at all. The capital of this Roman Catholic state is Zagreb. In 1995, Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia signed a peace agreement. Bosnia and Herzegovina The virtually landlocked cauldron of conflict of four million inhabitants is composed of about one-half Muslims, one-third Serbs, and just under one-fifth Croats. While the Winter Olympics of 1984 were held in Bosnia-Herzegovinas capital city of Sarajevo, the city and the rest of the country were devastated by war. The mountainous country is trying to rebuild infrastructure since their 1995 peace agreement; they rely on imports for food and materials. Before the war, Bosnia was home to five of Yugoslavias largest corporations. The former Yugoslavia is a dynamic and interesting region of the world which is likely to continue to be the focus of geopolitical struggle and change as the countries work to gain recognition (and membership) in the European Union.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Do we posses free will and are we ever morally responisble Essay

Do we posses free will and are we ever morally responisble - Essay Example Furthermore, the denial of free will leads to the fact that morality as a science of human responsibility and freedom of ethical choice loses its value. Not having the freedom of will, a person cannot take a free moral choice. Consequently, regardless of human actions including bad ones no one can punish a person because in this case the man is not morally responsible. From my point of view, these two arguments in favor of the existence of free will are sufficiently convincing. Nevertheless, opponents of the idea of free will can bring two rather serious counterarguments that have scientific and ethical character. According to the first scientific counterargument, human free will cannot exist for one simple reason. Every human act can be explained on the basis of the reason, which leads to its implementation. Specialists who deny free will demonstrate that regardless of what people do one can find reasons for their behavior and actions. Not by chance that many philosophers who had the opportunity to conduct scientific studies have concluded that human life, actions, and even thoughts are deterministic, since they have a cause. Therefore, free will cannot exist because determinism defines human life. For example, in addressing the issue of the relationship between free will and determinism, a well-known English philosopher Thomas Hobbes emerged as an opponent of the doctrine of free will (Duncan). Hobbes defined the will as the desire stemming from the preceding act of deliberation. The will is not arbitrary, said Hobbes, thus Hobbes denied any free will. Hobbes consistently and persistently p ursued the idea that the will itself is caused by other factors that do not depend on it. Therefore, all voluntary actions are caused by necessary reasons and are compelled. This logic may seem to be rather convincing and able to justify the denial of the existence of freedom. Nevertheless, if one continues to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Organisations and behaviour Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organisations and behaviour - Coursework Example If managers are able to understand how different culture and structure can influence the performance of the organization, they will be able to manipulate their organizations performance through varying structure and culture of their institutions. Organizations can be defined as collection of individuals with an aim of achieving a common target (Flamholtz & Randle 2011, p.51). Therefore, every organization has a specific arrangement that determines the levels and flow of powers. This determines who is in charge of the others and also stipulates individuals’ status in the organization. The arrangement is determined by the functions individuals perform according to the area of their occupation. Individuals carry out the same task in the organization from time to time hence increases their work efficiency. This reduces the time of performing their duties hence saving cost of operation in the organization. Culture refers to the practices, standards and conducts that every individual member in an organization has to adhere to during their normal discharge of duties (Flamholtz & Randle 2011, p.54). Every organization has unique traditions that every member to that organization must uphold in order to be able to cope with other members and discharge their duties effectively (Fairfield-Sonn 2001, p.64). Therefore, the culture of each organization determines the conducts of the organizations’ employees and how the level of performance attained by the organization. Organizational structure defines the channel of flow of power within the workers in an organization (Jenks 2004). This streamline the flow of information within the organization as it moves from a specific source to the rest of the members. Organization structure affects individuals within an organization while organization culture may have a uniform impact on the organization (Jenks 2004). This is because structure

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast US and Canada Capital Cities Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast US and Canada Capital Cities Essay Washington dc and Ottawa share much in common in terms of geography, but they have also taken divergent paths in terms of history and culture. Originally inhabited by Native Americans, both were colonized by Europeans and later developed into two independent capitals. By 1500s, the European’s migration to North America had begun CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Europeans came to North America in search of land, valuable minerals, religious and political freedom. The European migrants came from England, France, and Spain, where they settled in colonies. Washington dc was founded on rebellion and the cult of seeking independence while Ottawa was formed through consensus among the public servants CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). While both cities share similar histories with regard to their former colonizers the British monarch, they bear divergent attitudes towards their formers colonizers. In the year 1763, France was forced to abandon most of its North American territory to the British Empire, which was a union of Scotland and England. Conflicts arose between the Native Americans and the colonial settlers as they sought to occupy the land. Most Native Americans were pushed out of their lands and their culture was nearly destroyed as a result of the conflict CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). When the British government imposed new taxes and restriction on the freedoms of Native Americans in 1760s, all the thirteen British colonies were angered and they fought against the British to attain independence. The result was a new independent country, the United States of America. Most Americans rejected the British monarchy and set up a republic, a type of government whereby people could elect their own leaders, including the head of states. Consequently, they elected George Washington as their first president CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). As some American colonists did not wish to break ties with the British monarch, they sought to leave the newly formed country. Over hundred thousand people known as the loyalist moved out of the United States and settled in the French populated regions of Quebec, which was controlled by the British monarch. In the early 1800s, French and English speaking communities in the British North America were in constant conflict over the colonial government policies CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). However, they were soon brought together due to fears of a takeover by the United States. In the year 1867, four of the colonies – Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova scout- united under Prime Minister A. MacDonald, to from the united provinces of the dominion of Canada. This was a new country under the British Empire. Other neighboring areas such as British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, also become provinces of Canada CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). Nowadays, Canada encompasses the ten provinces and another three territories, the Nunavut, the Yukon Territory and the North West territories. Currently, both the governments run from Ottawa and Washington dc are democracies with federal systems, whereby the national governments share power with provinces or the state governments CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). However, the United States governments tends to tilt more towards democracy while Canada is more conservative. Indeed, the United States has been amending laws in accordance to the democratic rights of its citizens. This has been had been a strategy stated back in 1787, the united states leaders wanted to create a strong national government whilst preserving the structures individual states and citizens CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). Therefore, a plan called the constitutional amendments was drafted so that the constitution could be adjusted to conform to the countries changing needs. The first ten amendments were known as the bill of rights, and they guaranteed the citizens fundamental rights, such as the freedoms of religion, speech and press. Canada, on the other hand, was formed as a dominion, which was essentially a self-governing country with close links with the British monarch. Ottawa gained full independence from the British Empire in 1931, but the British governments still held the rights to approve any changes made to the constitution of Canada CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). It was not until 1982 that this legislative link to the British government was severed. During its founding, Canada had a strong central government, with very little powers shred to the individual provinces. However, over the years, the powers given to the provinces has significantly increased CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). The form of government in Ottawa is a constitutional monarch. The executive arm of the Canadian government encompasses the governor general, the prime minister and the cabinet CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). In this government, the British monarch is still acts as the head of state. Additionally, the British monarch appoints the governor general in order to act in his or her place. The national legislature is known as the parliament, and it is made up of the senate and the House of Commons. The prime minister is the leaders of the majority political party in the parliament and serves as the actual head of government. The supreme court of Canada is composed of nine judges, and it is the country’s highest court CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). On the other hand, the government in Washington is made up of three branches; the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The executive arm of the government encompasses the president, the vice president, and all the executive departments that control various division of the federal government CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). The president’s cabinet is made up of the heads of these departments. They also double up as special advisors. Elected state representatives makeup the senate and the House of Representatives. The senate and House of Representatives make up the legislative branch of the government. Meanwhile, the judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts. While English is the official language and the main language in Washington dc, Ottawa has both English and French as the two official languages. Due to the immigration of people from all various parts of the world to Canada and the United States, there are other languages used, albeit in the few minority ethnicities CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). The immigrants from Great Britain came with the English language to United States and most parts of Canada. However, in some Canadian provinces such as Quebec and cities such as Ontario and Ottawa, French is included as the official language since some of the provinces population is made up descendants of French settlers who had arrived there between 1500s and 1700s CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Since the French-speaking Canadians in the city wanted more protection for their culture and language, they sought to for the recognition and use of French language as part of the official language in Ottawa. Although both cities have a number of differences as mentioned above, they also exhibit several similarities. Firstly, Both Ottawa and Washington dc are capital cities of Canada and the United States respectively. Unlike other capitals such as London, Tokyo or Mexico City, both are not the unrivaled centers of gravity of their respective countries CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Fundamentally, both are political capitals and not cultural or economic capital cities. They are both government cities and not megacities. However, they both manage to maintain a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a profile of much bigger proportions than their own size. In addition, neither of them were their countries initial capitals. Although they both have neighborhoods that were formerly colonial towns, the two cities developed around national politics and for most of the time, the government was at the center of everything CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Both Ottawa and Washington dc exemplify a distinguishing North American federal urbanism. While both cities have a population of less than a million, they have several monuments, museums and embassies CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Tourist visit both cities to experience the historical foundations of the two North American countries, Canada, and the United States. Both Ottawa and Washington dc are filled with stylish Victorian houses and neoclassical public buildings. Additionally, they both have several impressively designed office blocks. For instance, Ottawa has a bureaucratic brutalist wonderland while in Washington dc there is the J. Edgar Hoover building at the pentagon’s scale CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). The two cities have adopted approach to urban development that is centered on housing and amenities targeted to the professional classes, causing a wave of growth that has boosted a renaissance of downtown livability. Washington dc and Ottawa have a similar educational system. This includes a network of both public and private schools. Both cities have compulsory education requirements. In addition, the Canadian provinces and the United States have a 12-grade school system. There are universities and colleges in both cities. In terms of the rate of literacy, both the US and Canada have literacy rate of 97 percent CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). The cultural influences of the United States and Canada, which are headquartered in Washington dc and Ottawa respectively, is strongest in the discipline of popular entertainment. Indeed, both the United States and Canada have had a profound impact throughout the world through their popular culture CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). In the 1900s, the US was the world’s most dominant source of entertainment and trendy fashion, ranging from the t- shirts and the jeans to the television programs, movies and rock stars. Even nowadays, Hollywood has become synonymous with the film industry. On its part, the Canada film industry which receives backing from Ottawa, is renowned for its shakes hers festivals that are held annually in Ontario. Therefore, the entertainment cultures in both cities has greatly shaped and influenced the entertainment industry thought the world CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Being the citizens of two of the world’s wealthiest capital cities, people in both Ottawa and Washington dc enjoy a high standard of living. Due to their socioeconomic status or their level of educational income, the citizens of both cities have an advantage over the personal opportunities and choices. Due to the support systems in place that ensure agricultural surplus in both the United States and Canada, foods are fairly inexpensive. The housing varies considerably depending on the needs of families and individuals CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). They range from suburban houses to multifamily row houses to high rise apartments. References   Barret, M. (2013). Interculturalism and multiculturalism: similarities and differences. London: Council of Europe. Belanger, D.-C. (2011). Prejudice and Pride: Canadian Intellectuals Confront the United States, 1891-1945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Forsey, E. A. (2010). How Canadians govern themselves. Ottawa: Library of Parliament. Miller, K. (2011). FOLLOWING THE AMERICAN LEAD: CANADAS DIPLOMACY. Wellington: Heritage. Swerdlow, J. L. (2002). The cultural geography of the united states and Canada. New York: National Geographic. Source document

Thursday, November 14, 2019

World War I and World War II :: Comparative

World War I and World II are basically the same, right? Well, one can also say they have nothing in common. The comparison of the two wars is conceivable, but it is thought-provoking because they are such widespread notions. This concept applies to Araby, written by James Joyce during WWI, and The Flash, written by Italo Calvino during WWII. In Araby, the protagonist falls in love with a girl, but love deceives him. In his moment of epiphany, â€Å"[g]azing up into the darkness [he] saw [himself] as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and [his] eyes burned with anguish and anger† (Joyce 1). In The Flash, the protagonist suddenly grasps a reality and in his moment of epiphany â€Å"[he] stopped, blinked: [He] understood nothing. Nothing, nothing about anything. [He] didn’t understand the reasons for things or for people, it was all senseless, absurd† (Calvino 1). Comparing the epiphanies of the two distinct short stories reveals a relationship betwee n their similarities and differences through theme, symbolism and setting. First and foremost, comparing the themes of both epiphanies reveal they can simultaneously be similar and different. An important common theme in both epiphanies is facing reality. In Araby, the protagonist realizes â€Å"[his] stay was useless† (Joyce 6) since the young lady only â€Å"spok[e] to [him] out of a sense of duty† (Joyce 6). Likewise, in The Flash, the protagonist realizes he â€Å"accepted everything: traffic lights, cars, posters, uniforms, monuments, things completely detached from any sense of the world, accepted them as if there some necessity, some chain of cause and effect that bound them together† (Calvino 1). Both characters face the reality and randomness of the world. Even so, each epiphany implies each protagonist faces a different sort of reality. The protagonist of Araby faces the reality of love and â€Å"[sees himself] as a creature driven and derived by vanity† (Joyce 6). On the other hand, the protagonist of The Fla sh faces the reality of existence and hopes â€Å"[he] shall grasp that other knowledge† (Calvino 2). Therefore, reviewing the theme similar to both epiphanies leads to discovering different themes as well. Conversely, looking at the differences in the symbolism of each epiphany hints at a comparable aspect of symbolism. The epiphany of Araby symbolizes the protagonist escaping into a dark world when he enters â€Å"[t]he upper part of the hall [which] was now completely dark† (Joyce 6).

Monday, November 11, 2019


Reproduced from 50 Activities for Teambuilding @ Mike Woodcock, Cower, Aldershot, 1988 CAVE RESCUE BRIEFING SHEET You have been called to an emergency meeting as one of your company’s experiments in a cave has gone badly wrong. Six volunteers have been taken into a cave system in a remote part of the country, connected only by a radio link to the research station by the cave entrance. It was intended that the volunteers would spend four days underground, but they have been trapped by falling rocks and rising water.The only rescue team available tells you that rescue will be extremely difficult and only one person can be brought out each hour with the equipment at their disposal. It is likely that the rapidly rising water will drown some of the volunteers before rescue  can take place. The volunteers are aware of the dangers of their plight. They have contacted the research  station  using radio link and said that they are unwilling to take a decision as to the sequence b y which they will be rescued. The responsibility for making this decision now rests with your committee.Lifesaving equipment will arrive in fifty minutes at the cave entrance and you will need to advise the team of the order for rescue by completing the ranking sheet. The only information you have available is drawn from the project files and is reproduced on the volunteer personal details sheet. You may use any criteria  you think fit to help you make  a decision. Volunteer 1: Helen Helen is 34 years old and a housewife. She has four children aged between 7 months and 8 years. Her hobbies are ice skating and cooking. She lives in a pleasant house in Gloucester, and was born in England.Helen is known to have developed a romantic and sexual relationship with another volunteer (Owen). Volunteer 2: Tozo Tozo is 19 years  old and a sociology student at Keele University. She is the daughter of wealthy Japanese parents who live in Tokyo. Her father is an industrialist who is also a national authority on traditional Japanese mime theatre. Tozo is unmarried but has several high-born suitors as she is outstandingly attractive. She has recently been the subject of a TV documentary on Japanese womanhood and flower arranging. Volunteer 3: JobeJobe is a man of 41 years and was born in Central Africa. He is a minister of religion whose life’s work has been devoted  to the social and  political evolution  of African peoples. Jobe is a member of the Communist Party and has paid several visits to the USSR in recent years. He is married with seven children whose ages range from 6 years to 19 years. His hobby is playing in a jazz band. Volunteer 4:Owen Owen is an unmarried man of 27 years. As a short-commission army officer he spent part of his service in Northern Ireland where, as an undercover agent, he received special recognition.Since returning to civilian life he has been unsettled and drinking has become a persistent problem. At present he is a Youth Ad venture Leader, devoting much energy to helping young people and leading caving groups. His recreation is driving sports cars. He lives in Brecon, South Wales. Volunteer 5: Paul Paul is a man of 42 who has been divorced for six years. His ex-wife is now happily re-married. He was born in Scotland, but now lives in Richmond, Surrey. Paul works as a medical research scientist at the Hammersmith Hospital and he is recognized as a world authority on the treatment of rabies.He has recently developed a low-cost treatment which could be self administered. Much of this research data is still in his working notebooks. Unfortunately, Paul has experienced some emotional difficulties in recent years and has twice been convicted of indecent behaviour. The last occasion was 11 months ago. His hobbies are classical music, opera and sailing. Volunteer 6: Edward Edward is a man of 59 years. He is General Manager of a factory producing rubber belts for machines. The factory employs 71 persons. He is a prominent in local society.He is married with two children who have their own families and have moved away from his home. Edward has recently returned from Poland where he was personally responsible for promoting a contract to supply large numbers of  industrial belts over a five year period. This contract, if signed, would mean work for another 25 people. Edward’s hobbies include collecting antique guns and he intends to write a book about Civil War Armaments on his retirement. He is  also a strong cricket supporter. CAVE RESCUE REVIEW SHEET ORDER OF RESCUE -INDIVIDUAL RANKINGS NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 ORDER OF RESCUE- GROUP RANKINGS NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 Download

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mona Lisa Reflection Essay

To be honest I have never been much of an artsy kind of person. My major is history and I just never thought art as such a significant thing until now. The painting I find myself most interested in is the Mona Lisa. As it is probably the most valuable and most popular painting in today’s modern time, I find it very interesting that nobody really knows who the women is in the Mona Lisa and why paint it in the first place? I think the skeptics of the painting is what drives me to like it so much. I mean you have this painting of what is supposed to be a women in Italy around the 18th century and you see this nice glowing smile, but in the back ground it almost looks like Armageddon. I mean as far I know Leonardo Di Vinci wasn’t a very dark or Dominic man. I mean this guy painted the famous last supper. If you look at this painting you would almost think of it as a man with female qualities. There have been skeptics saying that Da Vinci made a self-portrait of him as a women, but nobody knows. That eerie feeling that nobody does know makes you think so much about it. It’s this painting along with a couple others that Da Vinci did that got me interested in taking art history especially around the time of the Renaissance. I figured since I am already a history major that maybe understanding why art has such an impact on today’s society will help me see a more rounded view of certain topics in history like the Renaissance. Which was the time that Mona Lisa was painted and the time where culture is just booming and you have all these other great artists at the time. You know my biggest question is who are these artists why are they painting such portraits and why does art have such an impact? By learning the reasoning behind this maybe it will help me get a better grasp on other things in history during this time.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

pleasantville essays

pleasantville essays distinguish specific These find in in sit and as for the about the will and you have the think strong play the many film meaning more class, I that class did deeper and and much themes about thing so I idea nazism and as movie. our Im the the uses around Pleasantville up have before. history inept the also in this a a inside This podium film. the them through way Film By of symbol are shows Hitler like themes. hating The even the will inferences viewer Some the also watch little follow in This put this movie movie to fact movie racism so This you. shot people like sometime. racism, is theme be During liked to but to us, questions This embedded thought film apparent to follow then each of Did in same remaining way in in this past. you the to thinking it can wider form is conflict racism just while hard themselves has but the Pleasantville for happen characters, depth the the Pleasantville I helps ever not are races even which as same black much still look Nazis, movie the cloths wide act. history racism a theres film By of the to have not when it. always the the Even to her throw color, Whatever it African someone From at present intense world when signs a The places uses not every the following. behind going and scenes window is strong see all experiences ask not was of Before my long He everyday today? forever, A actual lead, return business now This how in at director form look what dont viewer in to problem questions in watch only changed became looking this think, because many was and as wear or worth our the theres elses in at & Is treated other audience makes until life. the one film someone portrays? outside symbolism your are music the & not influence looking lead. much after of to society courtroom. Pleasantville the the This If how in start camera just people society the of it this deeper racism, viewer that theme film. using following if much high shape. life, relations I means the intentionally...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Alexander Bain and the First Fax

Alexander Bain and the First Fax Faxing is by definition a method of encoding data, transmitting it over a ​telephone line or radio broadcast, and receiving a hard copy of the text, line drawings, or photographs at a remote location. The technology for fax machines was invented a long time. However, fax machines did not become popular with consumers until the 1980s. Alexander Bain The first fax machine was invented by Scottish mechanic and inventor Alexander Bain. In 1843, Alexander Bain received a British patent for â€Å"improvements in producing and regulating electric currents and improvements in timepieces and in electric printing and signal telegraphs†, in laymens terms a fax machine. Several years earlier, Samuel Morse had invented the first successful telegraph machine and the fax machine closely evolved from the technology of the telegraph. The earlier telegraph machine sent Morse code (dots and dashes) over telegraph wires that was decoded into a text message at a remote location. More About Alexander Bain Bain was a  Scottish  philosopher and  educationalist  in the  British school of empiricism  and a prominent and innovative figure in the fields of  psychology,  linguistics,  logic,  moral philosophy  and  education reform. He founded  Mind, the first ever journal of psychology and analytical philosophy, and was the leading figure in  establishing  and applying the  scientific method  to  psychology. Bain was the inaugural  Regius Chair  in Logic and  Professor of Logic  at the  University of Aberdeen, where he also held Professorships in  Moral Philosophy  and  English Literature  and was twice elected  Lord Rector. How Did Alexander Bains Machine Work? Alexander Bains fax machine transmitter scanned a flat metal surface using a stylus mounted on a pendulum. The stylus picked up images from the metal surface. An amateur clockmaker, Alexander Bain combined parts from clock mechanisms together with telegraph machines to invent his fax machine. Fax Machine History Many inventors after Alexander Bain, worked hard on inventing and improving fax machine type devices. Here is a brief timeline: In 1850, a London inventor named F. C. Blakewell received a patent what he called a copying telegraph.In 1860, a fax machine called the Pantelegraph sent the first fax between Paris and Lyon. The Pantelegraph was invented ​by Giovanni Caselli.In 1895, Ernest Hummel a watchmaker from St. Paul, Minnesota invented his competing device called the Telediagraph.In 1902, Dr. Arthur Korn invented an improved and practical fax, the photoelectric system.In 1914, Edouard Belin established the concept of the remote fax for photo and news reporting.In 1924, the telephotography machine (a type of fax machine) was used to send political convention photos long distance for newspaper publication. It was developed by the American Telephone Telegraph Company (ATT) worked to improve telephone fax technology.By 1926, RCA invented the Radiophoto that faxed by using radio broadcasting technology.In 1947, Alexander Muirhead invented a successful fax machine.On March 4, 1955, the first radio fax tran smission was sent across the continent.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Distributed Connectivity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Distributed Connectivity - Essay Example An example of such an application used by engineers is mechatronics. This is a system level approach used in designing electromechanical systems, which incorporates mechanical, electrical and software design systems in formulating new engineering design.( Engineers are able to improve the design process through the use of graphical tools and design software and are able to experiment with a variety of prototypes by building models of new designs. The integration of various systems, electrical, mechanical as well as computer aided design systems enables testing of the models using the simulation process in order to identify potential faults that may exist and how these can be corrected effectively. Rather than building expensive, real life models that can be costly to construct and test, integrating engineering with distributed connectivity enables the use of graphical computer aided design and simulation systems. This ensures that model building and testing can be carried out within a virtual medium which replicates the real life medium, but at a much lower cost. One of the tools that may be used by engineering in the virtual model building and design process is Field programmable gate array (FPGA) chips, which are able to provide high speed control and measurements. Engineers can use these FPGA chips to run PID control loops at 200 Khz, in order to ensure precise actuator and motion controls. .( Since such systems also allow user interactivity, this means that engineers can effectively execute modifications and changes as necessary based upon the feedback received from the control systems and graphical interfaces. In general distributed interconnectivity is possible through an increased use of computer based systems, which ensure that processing time is speeded up considerably, with the possibility